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We all have a desire to live, a desire to know, a desire for an inner power that gives us strength, a desire for happiness, a desire for peace. Our bodies can live just so long but we can connect with an inner life that does not know death. When we can remove the barriers that hold us back from loving unconditionally we can create a truly magical life and one that is not based on material wealth but on inner wealth.
People will attain inner happiness and peace more from what they are able to give than able to get. If you had all the material possessions in the world, where would you put them? But when we are able to access divine truths there is no limit to how many because these are held in the limitless expanse of our heart.
The quality of our lives is determined by the quality of our decisions. Why not use every moment of our life towards the accomplishment of the reason we are here. Are you feeling a sense of a lack of purpose? Do you feel tired and feel disappointed in how you are spending your days? Would you like to wake up every morning looking forward to a new connection with life and a sense of purpose.
Have you considered diving deep into the secrets of life, into discovering and developing the spiritual side of your life. If that feels like you, I really understand because I have spent most of my adult life as a seeker and I would really love to help you discover and connect with the divine within you. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in all of us. And it is truly the discovery that will make your life magical.
One of the fortunate things about our golden years is that most of us have more time on our hands to reflect on our inner life. This leads many seniors into starting a whole new life, sometimes getting involved with a cause, sometimes starting a business on the side, sometimes just spending more time with our families and friends but with much deeper and more satisfying relationships.
Once you connect with the divine, every aspect of your life will feel better.
Think about a piano for a minute. There is no note on the piano that does not play its part in the music that can come from that instrument and it is the hand of the musician who knows which notes play in a harmonious fashion. And as for the human being we can all play our individual part to be a harmonious note in the symphony of the divine musician. The divine musician knows how to help us use our lives when we in tune with divine harmony
When a person is only focused on the mortal part of their being and the material part of their existence, this can lead to challenges. What is lasting is the soul of our being, and this is how we are remembered. By the things we did and said and the moments we shared with others, especially the moments with a deep heart connection.
Most of humanity would gladly give up their wealth, their rank, their possessions in return for a long life, so why not develop that part of us that connects us with what is eternal. If you buy a house with more than one floor, do you just use one floor? What about the different levels of our being? Why do so few of us explore all the levels?
This is something that is not just acquired, it is discovered and earned by learning the divine laws and learning how to live in harmony with these laws. This allows us to make a difference with our lives, to live a life that brings increase to others and to oneself.
One thing that I have learned and would like to share with you is that our unhappiness mostly comes from not being completely in the moment. An example of what I mean is that regrets usually come when we think of the past, fear comes when we think of the future but in the moment if one is connected with divine flow, these things don’t exist.
Another thing I have learned is that I think it is better to learn how to deal with any difficult situation and transcend it, rather than run away from the challenge and think by avoiding it you can avoid the lesson you are supposed to learn from those challenges.
Many of the great prophets had great challenges in their life. Abraham was asked to sacrifice his son and by surrendering to the situation rather than running from it he was provided with a solution. He was being asked to know about total surrender.
I spent 20 years building an organization with a health company that I thought would support me as I built a team of 395,000 customers and I had anticipated this would support meet and my family for the rest of my life. The company ran into problems and that income disappeared. But I am learning that this happened to me for a reason. It has turned me in my current direction of coaching and mentoring people to experience the spiritual side of their being, which is feeling so much more rewarding. The transition was definitely challenging but worth it for everything I have discovered about myself.
Now if you are looking for more in your life, it’s your turn. I am starting a special program which will include working one on one with 22 people for a year. The program will consist of the complete multi-media program, a private Facebook group where we will form our very own community, access to a special personal email to connect with me as well as a one on one call with me personally every week for the 8 weeks of the course.
“Tony is an incredible mentor. He is passionate, fiery, loyal, and like getting a force of nature on your side. Ive learned an incredible amount from him.”
Jeff B
“After achieving great success, Tony Kent has dedicated his life to offering a wealth of information and opportunities to enable others to realize their own dreams.”
“Tony is a master at relationship building and a skilled coach in training any motivated individual to new levels of personal and financial greatness. I've personally known him for over 20 years and call him a great mentor”
Mark P
“Tony Kent is a kind hearted friend and mentor, who leads by example. He is a caring, motivated, inspirational and hard-working team player. I am very fortunate to be part of his program”
Katharine C
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